Thursday, May 9, 2024

“Only in Iola” Delivers Quality Content with Gentle Humor, Destined to Build Audiences

As promised, the “Only in Iola” channel launched its first episode of the series, “Ladies First” on the Roku and Amazon Fire Channels on time, this morning in fact. And I was one of those early viewers who didn’t want to waste a minute before beginning the 43-minute journey that would show the abrupt lifestyle change of the Sharboneau family from Austin’s hill country to Iola’s rural flatland beauty.

Those who live in the seven-counties that make up the Brazos Valley already know why people would choose simple country living as a stress-free alternative to keeping pace with what Houston society journalist Maxine Messinger used to call the “zum zum gang.” It’s all about what’s important to you, at the time, and father, Perry, announced his intention to lead his family into a scaled-down, less complex life. The benefits of slowing it down don’t need listing. It's always a smart move to take charge of who and what is in charge of your schedule.

What does need stating at the outset is that this family is serious about the changes they’ve made. Looks like they didn’t have a Plan B, nor where they just one boot (or Jimmy Choo stiletto) in—they were committed. It’s not "Green Acres"; it’s reality TV and every one of you who gets the eggs from the chickens in the morning or milks the cows, or who had to repair fence and retrieve errant livestock who knock down the gentle barriers between properties can relate.

Now, not everyone can call up and order a barndominium that’s two months on backorder and seemingly skip through the time delay, but you have to accept the benefits of power that come alongside prior business success. That said, every major decision in the family is made based on faith and every positive outcome is given thanks in what is a, for many, comfortable story of genuine faith.

The filming, angles, sound, and lighting are strong, and storytelling moves professionally, as good as or better than standard broadcast channel reality series, and far more interesting. The show has an official soundtrack, “Every Small Town,” by singer/songwriter Chris Chitsey (who is featured in episode 6 of Season 1, due to premiere Jun. 13, 2024).

Today’s season and show premiere is "Ladies First," subtly focused around Shanalee’s lesson to her son to always walk behind the woman rather than take off walking far ahead, leaving her in his wake. That is a charming, subtle look a parenting and what it takes to raise a man of impeccable manners, no matter where you call home.

Shanalee doesn’t mind getting dirty, literally, in her focus on finding the right look for country living. She’s slow to give up her beloved collection of dress shoes and functional wear (everywoman, anywhere) but she draws the line at destroying the Jimmy Choo’s. I might have considered donating the shoes to charity for a nonprofit but that’s not good TV. A flaming fire pit works better, every day. Bottom line is that the intro episode is your only chance, for now, to meet her, but the way I see it, you’re going to like and respect her immediately and want to get to know her better. Takes a woman of great humor to enter her new upgraded residence only to find two donkeys and three goats have already made themselves at home, much to her chagrin. She remains calm and calls for Brayden to redirect the errant livestock, which he does willingly.

Brayden is kind, intelligent, and has a path to travel that is still his to carve out, with many interesting opportunities around him. He’s a McAuliffe, as well, and has Irish Norse roots, hence his willingness to be a hunter. The cameras are something he seems successful at taking in stride but not every young teen would be up to the task. Early in the program at dinner with his parents and grandparents, he is perfectly comfortable and familiar with fine dining but his parents remind him to remove his earphones that allow him to engage with his phone, and to remember that in-person contact is primary, especially with family time.

Perry has the quintessential poker face in all dealings; he only had one tell that revealed his big heart—after Shanalee reached her tipping point on farm living, he whipped out his phone and made it happen because “Mama wants this” and then the voice of Capt. Picard comes lilting in with “Make it so.” Time will share more of his m.o. and decision style. He does win major hero points for being the one Shanalee asks to be in charge of mouse removal when one is discovered.

Merchandising and sponsorship and product placement are useful, wise, and respectful; taking care of the people who take care of you is a good policy every business day. What’s fun is that you can get your souvenir merch right now at the Mercantile at Main St. Market in Iola. Their store’s website is up and running here.

Of special note: Dawn Link at The Mercantile at Main St. Market is the exclusive Internet dealer for both of Ms. Mary Lee’s poetry books and they have them in stock but can also send (autographed copies) anywhere in the United States.

While you’re there, immerse yourself in some of the most wonderful surroundings that owner Dawn Link has created for you to enjoy and hope to find in a mercantile market. Then, walk across the street and see Robin Trant Johnson at her Rubye’s Jewels and get inspired to be creative because it’s all around you. Meet Laura Parunak Cole, who owns Crazy Horse Upholstery and see the artist at work—she’s amazing.

Hungry? Mallett Bros. BBQ is only steps away and legendary around these parts, so don’t miss it and get some to go if you can’t stay for lunch or dinner.

Finally, the credits at the end of the broadcast are both lengthy and generous, heartwarming to see as Shanalee has led the way in embracing Iola people as they have embraced the Sharboneau family and as the rest of the episodes drop, it will be worth going back each week to visit “new friends you haven’t met yet.”

Credit script writer/supervisor Shanalee Sharboneau and Tammy Corwin, WMP Network Producer, for launching the show on the very wide platform that is already in place, on Roku and Amazon Fire today, and growing daily, for a first-class product and pulling it all together.

Rating: 5 stars.

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